Saturday, February 21, 2009

Choose Your Battles Carefully (Part 1)

Each of us has a finite amount of emotional energy to invest in the things we care about. Therefore it is very important that we choose the battles we want to fight. So what are the battles worth fighting for? I thought I will spend some time blogging how to choose the right battles in the next few posts.

I like to see issue in my life in two circle; one inside the other. One circle is the Circle of Concern. In this circle are the things we are very interested in but have little or no power to change. I cannot do much about the world events or the price of petrol or the economy or how someone out there is living out his days. If I invest my energy in this circle by complaining and fussing over them, I have less to invest in the things that matter to me and that I can do something about. Those issues that matter to me and what I can do something about is my Circle of Influence. If I spend too much energy in that Circle of Concern, my Circle of Influence becomes smaller because I have dissipated my energy in the other circle.

I should therefore confine my finite resources in my Circle of Influence and pray about the issues in my Circle of Concern. That way I will be a good steward of the things that God wants me to engage in rather than the things I can do little or nothing about. Then I fight the right battles and climb the right mountains.

The enemy wants me to squander my energy on things I cannot change because he knows I will then not be able to give my all to the things I can change by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is his tactic to distract me and constrain my Circle of Influence.

The following passage reminds me that there are things out of my control. A good cause becomes a bad cause when I engage something at the wrong time. Even though anxiety weighs heavily on my soul there is a proper time and procedure:

Ecclesiastes 8:1-5 Who is like the wise man? Who knows the explanation of things? Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance. Obey the king's command, I say, because you took an oath before God. Do not be in a hurry to leave the king's presence. Do not stand up for a bad cause, for he will do whatever he pleases. Since a king's word is supreme, who can say to him, "What are you doing?" Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.

What is in your Circle of Concern? What is in your Circle of Influence? What are the things God has given you control of? What are the things you’re concerned about but cannot change? What does God want you to invest in? Who does God want you to influence? What are you wasting your energy on? What things has God given you to manage that isn’t getting your attention? What has God called you to be and do? What issues has the enemy distracted you with?

Get back on track. Stay focused. It is the Circle of Influence that you must expend your limited energy. Pray about the things in your Circle of Concern. Engage the things in your Circle of Influence. Fight only the right battles!