Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Makes A Great family?

Picture taken in Lueven, Belgium last winter.

I suppose this a question worthy of my reflection as my son and I fly a couple of hours ahead to Kota Kinabalu to prepare for my wife’s surprise 50th birthday today. She and my daughter arrive later tonight.

What makes a family great?

A deep sense of belonging to the family. Then family activities become a priority and everyone wants to be a part of anything that spells family – altars, dinners, holidays. They make time for these things despite their busy schedules.

The ability to manage conflicts healthily so that misunderstandings, grievances and differences are trashed out to make the family unit stronger and not weaker, always aiming for the greater good of the family.

The showing of love and appreciation for each other. No one, no matter how old he is, outgrows the need to feel loved and appreciated.

The ability to be connected even when living apart by not letting distance and time erode their bonds. They find ways to stay connected and enrich their relationships, even if it gets inconvenient.

The cultivation of a strong sense of family identity, rich in traditions. The rituals and traditions they create and pass on help them feel unique as a family and connected to each other. The more unusual the tradition, the better.

The development a family history through keepsakes, stories, and so forth. Holidays, gifts, cards, photos, memoirs, journals and such give the family a sense of heritage; some things to talk about and reminisce at family get-togethers.

Honouring family values. Family decisions are made based on those values. Family priorities are forged out of those values. Everyone is clear and committed to those values.

Celebrate life together — often! They find and create joy in being together and find every excuse to celebrate the blessing of family that God has blessed together.

That is what we will do this weekend. Wewill make the celebration special and memorable, filled with fun, laughter and food and bring back home keepsakes, memories and deep, deep bonding that we belong to each other and together, we belong to our Creator!

Wish us a good time!