Friday, November 06, 2009

The Trust Factor In Leadership

When one reads a statement like “The Trust Factor In Leadership” it draws out a wide range of emotions. Those emotions are derived from the types of experiences we’ve had with other leaders and leadership in general.

We can break “The Trust Factor In Leadership” down into two simple categories:

1. The Team Trusts The Leader- This is one of the most important aspects of leadership, ensuring that a leader earns the trust of his/her team. Seeking to earn trust becaise of your position will only get you so far. In order for a leader to be truly successful they must have the those virtues that earn them trust: integrity, genuine care and concern for the team, proven track record, boldness, no “yes man” syndrome, a living relationship with God, transparency, accountability … are just a few of the ways that a team will begin to truly trust a leader.

2. The Leader Trusts The Team - This is probably the second most important aspect of leadership. When I say trust your team that means believing in them so much that you don’t micro-manage, you get out of their way, you correct when necessary, you encourage them to lead up, you maximize their strengths and you watch them soar.

George Barna’s new book Master Leaders has one excerpt where this question was asked of many leaders: “How does a leader gain people’s trust?” Seth Godin responded: ”You have to trust them.” That’s simple, but brilliant!

If people don’t trust you, they won’t follow you. On the other hand, I truly believe in and trust my people. I trust them so much that they have no choice but to believe in and trust themselves. If I believe my team can fly, even if they can’t, they will get close to flying.

Help your team to soar, TRUST THEM!