Tuesday, March 09, 2010

What Would ______ Think?

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men?
If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Gal 1:10

I just finished reading Galatians. And the verse above? I just love this verse from Galatians. It fires me up. I hope it does that to you as well.

This is the question that has been holding way too many of of us back from what God is telling us to do for far too long. This is what keeps us from getting out of the boat and experiencing the tension of faith and this is what keeps us from walking in big, big faith!

Some of you heads of ministries and cell leaders are currently contemplating a bold move of faith. God has told you to do something. He has spoken to you to change something, start something, stop something, grow something, build something, move something… but you just keep revving your engine, fronting like you’re still praying about it. You’re not praying about it. You’re stalling out because you’re more concerned about what the members think and you think too much about "what if it fails" kind of thing. More than what God has said about it.

Dear leader, you won’t stand before the people at the end of your life to give an account. So go ahead. Seek to please God. You answer to Him for what He put in your heart to do.

Some uni student reading this blog needed to dump that charming, spiritually empty guy she’s dating, a long time ago. But what would her friends think? What would the guy think?
Young lady, you need to be more bothered with what God thinks! Look that dude in the eye, tell him the goodbye that God told you to tell him, and date Jesus exclusively for a year, and watch your spiritual life begin to soar again. Then trust God to bring you His guy He has made just for you. That's big faith. That is pleasing God.

Some 36 year old dude with 2 kids, an SUV, and several intimidating loans, car, housing... has a dream to start a business. The plan is solid, and his wife is behind him. But the last time he mentioned it to his friends and in-laws, they all smirked and gave him 101 reasons why it might not work. So he shrugged it off and continues sleepwalking through life; cruisng without faith!
Hey friend: Why are you about to let your no-faith friends talk you out of what God has put inside of you? Who cares whether they think you can pull it off or not? Your God has spoken to you. Get up and step out of the boat. Follow His command. Just please Him. There is nothing more adventurous and more growth triggering than that!

It amazes me how many times we let the opinion of a loser silence the will of our God.