Friday, May 16, 2008

Risng Above Criticism

"Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly pursue me; all day long they press their attack. My slanderers pursue me all day long; many are attacking me in their pride. When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? All day long they twist my words; they are always plotting to harm me. They conspire, they lurk, they watch my steps, eager to take my life. On no account let them escape; in your anger, O God, bring down the nations." (Psalm 56:1-7)

If your going to do anything worthwhile in life, you're going to be criticized. We've all had times when somebody doesn't understand us, someone doesn't accept us - we can feel the sting of that rejection. Our job is not to try and win over all of our critics and try to prove that we are right and their wrong.

Our job is to run our race and focus on what God has put on our heart, and not allow the critics and pessimist's to control us.

I've discovered that because a lot of people have been hurt in their life, the only way they respond is to be critical, sometimes repeated critical, not allowing any possibilities for closures.
It's just their nature to spit out criticism, rejection and be a faultfinder.

Scripture shows us how we must trust in God. We've got to learn to shake off critisism and NOT allow the poison to get on the inside. Responding to criticism can be extremely difficult, especially as a leader. So let your actions do the talking. Word's aren't always necessary. Even Jesus when He was being criticized, when people were making false accusations - the scripture says, "He answered not a word."

In other words, He rose above it. Jesus attitude was, "my life will do the talking. Time will answer my critics."

There's something about a person being talked about and criticized, but he just keeps on giving it his best. He keeps receiving God's blessing and favour. I shouldn't be spending my time trying to win my critics over. I need to spend that time improving my serve, improving my ability to love. If people are talking, being disrespectful, saying demeaning things about me, scripture tells me to focus on what God is doing in my own life and the "plans He has for me." Instead of letting it get me all upset, I must just keep loving. Work harder in loving, develop my skills, be the very best that I can be, for what God is doing in me. Don't worry about positioning or what people think. Fear God and focus on Him.

Thank you Lord for showing me these scriptures today and how I need to handle my critics when the pressure grows around me. Help me Lord to focus on what I need to loving do for critics. Amen.