Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Always Honour!

The Church Staff + Family at Agape's 24th Anniversary Service

My apologies for not updating my blog for over a month. These past 30 days have been super busy, yet it has been one of the most fulfilling seasons of this year. Let me explain through this devotional....


"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea ... Greet Priscilla and Aquila. They risked their lives for me... Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you. Greet Andronicus and Junias ...Greet Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord. Greet Urbanus..." (Romans 16:1-9 selected)


As the words from the apostle's pen comes to the final paragraph, he ends with what he feels is most important.

In this book of Romans, he has already dealt with doctrine. He addressed the tension that exists between sprit and flesh. He spoke of submission and spiritual disciplines, but now, he saves the most important for his concluding remarks.

Paul mentions twenty-eight people by name! And to each relationship, he attached a word of heartfelt gratitude. No, you don't find any anonymous groupings here. You won't find generalizations here, or for expediency's sake, a lumped together group thanked in mass.

Instead, you will be moved by the fact that Paul mentions individual names of real people and honours them one by one.

Relationships. That's what Paul treasured the most in the end.

I have often seen that. I have sat with many who have come to the final moments of their life on earth. In those precious concluding moments, the unimportant fades and only that, which is vital, remains. And without fail, their greatest treasure?

Healthy relationships.

And their greatest pain? Unresolved or broken ones.

Sometimes we don't recognize that which is most eternal until we are stand face to face with it. But why wait?

That is the reason why my family and I took so much trouble to give my daughter a great 21st birthday celebration. It is to honour God for His mercies in her life and to bless her for staying true to Him. It is to honour all the people who have played a significant role in her life all these 21 years.

It's relationships.

Christina and I were even more blessed when the youths in our church took such trouble to plan 21 surprises for her actual 21st birthday on June 11th at the church camp. Over 24 hours, they dotted the day with fun and laughter and most of all honour. Why? Isn't it only because at the end of the day it is all about relationships?

At the close of the camp, I got the camp participants to nominate those in our midst who had been through much trouble in life and yet had stayed true to the Lord. I took the names of those nominees and honoured them with flowers for the ladies and a gift pack of chocs for the men. As these bruised people came up to be honoured amidst applause and words written to affirm them, there were tears in the eyes and God renewed fresh strength in their hearts. That is the power of honour. And where relationships are genuine and authentic, there is always honour.

On Father's Day, my family took me out to eat at Manhattan Seafood Market in KL. The food was fabulous but what was even more fantastic were the words of honour from them and the two memorabilia they gave me - an 'oscar' for "Best Achievement In Sound Advice" and a big daddy mug that says "Lifetime Achievement In Dadliness". That's honour that deepens relationships!

Living in healthy relationships...


It doesn't mean we will always agree. Unity does not mean conformity or cloning each other. No.

It does mean, however, that we always support. We always speak well of. We always love, and we always stay on the same team. We often honour one another.The Bible uses the metaphor that we're ... One Body.

Let me explain it in this way:

My heart doesn't do what my liver does. It's not supposed to. My kidneys don't do what my lungs do. They can't really get together and just chill. They don't compete with each other for attention. They don't try to be like each other.

Nope. Instead, "unity" in my body is defined by each part doing what it is supposed to do to the best of their ability! And they respect each other and honour one another to keep my body healthy!

And the other parts?

They cheer and support!

And when God sees that happening in His church family and our individual families, He leans over the banister of heaven, and with a sigh of delight, says:

"It just doesn't get any better!" And He pours out His favour, abundantly.

This past month, from my birthday to Thea's birthday, to the church camp to Father's Day - it just couldn't be any better.

And to everyone who had made this season so special and so God-honouring - Christina, Reuben, Thea, the RAYs, the church family, special friends like Val and Farissa, Sheng in Sydney, family in KL and Alor Star - thank you so much!


Dear Father:
Please remind me again and again of this great commandment which Paul so clearly emphasizes. Today I will be cognizant of relationships and invest in them early. Teach me to honour people while they are still alive, not after they are gone.