Monday, July 07, 2008

A Rising Addiction

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" (2 Tim. 4:3)

The times they are a changin'!

There is coming a time, and it may be even right now for the Body of Christ here in Singapore, when our overwhelming desire will be to accumulate teachers who confirm what we already believe, who speak our language, who affirm our opinions and who affirm our lifestyles.

We need to feel better about ourselves. That is our highest aim. And teachers and preachers in this category, we will hold in high esteem. Especially in Singapore today, we seem addicted to a "feel good" mentality. We don't like to be corrected nor do we look with eager anticipation to those to tell us we need to change and allign ourselves to biblical principles.

We have the tendency to trade affirmation for obedience, and feeling good for growing up, and applause for discipline.


Because, for the most part, we need to feel better about ourselves.

Poor trades, but still in vogue.

Maybe it is due to a permissive upbringing, or an overly regimented school syste, but in either case, we have become jaded to change and addicted to affirmation.

So what is the answer?

Paul said it in Philippians 3:13 ... "I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
We're not there yet. I must keep reaching forward to what lies ahead. That is where "potential" is found. There is no potential in the past. No potential in trophies for races already won. It is only in what might be tomorrow.

Potential is all the things I can do but have not done yet. It is everywhere I can go, but have not gone yet. It is everything I can be, but I have not apprehended it yet.

And I need people who can see that for me, and usher me into that more and more. I need to be surround by those who will challenge me, and not just make me feel good so that I can become all I was created to be and to settle for nothing less.

Tribute To RAYS
I was so very blessed at the Youth Sunday service yesterday where the testimonies from the youths in Agape bore the fact that these young people are not in church just to feel good. There are there because they want to grow and therefore they are prepared to be challenged by the Word of God and to obey His Word so that they secure their future!

Bravo RAYS!

Dear Father:

Please help me to never be afraid of change for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Strengthen me to be willing to suffer for the sake of growth until I become more and more like You!