Saturday, April 21, 2007

Questions For Self Renewal

The measure of a man is not reflected
in the answers he gives others
but the questions he asks himself.

Every year, I schedule two seasons to ask myself tough questions.
One is in August, where I go on a personal retreat and seek God for the church.
For me the month of August is a time for ministry renewal.

The other time is in the month of May.
That is the time for personal renewal.
That is when in reflection, I will ask myself questions to sharpen the saw.
Why May? Because I was born in May. I feel I owe it to God to stay renewed.
I am responsible to him for the life he has blessed me with;
that I steward that life properly to his glory.

So there are a set of questions I ask myself. Let me share them with you here.
You may have your own set of questions:

1. What must I do regularly to centre my life; to sharpen my saw and to sustain my energy?

2. If I were to think seriously about

the first things in my life what would they be?

3. What are the things that reduce the quality of my life?

What are the things that enhance the quality of my life?

4. If I have to live last year over again, what would I have do differently?

5. What are the defining moments of this past year?

6. If I know I have only one month to live in this next year, how would I live it?

7. What is the primary passion of my life?

What do I wake up for in the morning?

8. What do I really enjoy doing in this season of my life?

9. What is my usual coping strategy for stress?

Is there a better alternative?

10. Which books have influenced me the most this past year? How?

11. If I could keep one memory with me this year, what would I choose to remember?

12. What part of my character and gifting has been the greatest blessing to others this year?