Monday, June 23, 2008

Iron Friendships Needed

"Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another..." (Proverbs 27:17)

This is a simple statement that carries profound depth. You'd have to imagine that sharpening tools was a whole different ball game when this Proverb was written. When tools got dull one needed to find a blacksmith (maybe even from another city) or an equally strong metal to re-sharpen the blade. A weaker metal wouldn't sharpen an iron tool. Why is this so important? Because sharp tools meant better living. If the tools weren't sharp the food would stop coming to the table.

It is equally as important for us to stay sharp spiritually. How do we do this? We get sharper through strong friends and mentors in Christ. Our default in life will be to weaken, to slack in discipline, to allow the current to pull us where it wants. If we don't have strong people that help us to stay sharp in Christ, eventually dullness occurs.

Dull Christians are a lot like dull knives; they are more dangerous and stop working in their original design.

Who is that person of iron who prods us? Who is that person of depth who encourages us, and challenges us? Who brings us closer to the Lord? We all need iron friendship that sharpens us back to Christ.

One of the recurring themes of the church camp was finding the right people to surround us in the times of our trouble and tempation. We are need iron friendships.

I need to make sure that I have a few people who can speak directly to my heart. Sometimes in life, I don't want to hear the truth because it can be painful. Even though the sharpening process may hurt a little, in the long run I have much more to gain through a friendship that strengthens me in Christ.

Father, May I never forget the importance of true friendships that keep me sharp. I pray that You will help me to see those people of iron who will strengthen my life and my character. Help me to stay sharp in Your ways!

In Jesus Name,