Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Lineage Of The KING!

Dear Readers

Beginning today, I am starting a devotional commentary on the book of Matthew. I invite you to open the Word in Matthew with me on weekdays (Monday to Friday) where we will journey through chapter by chapter in Matthew. On the weekends, I will post a summary devotional on the week's commentaries.

In this way, we get to explore an entire book of the Bible systematically. It's my way of helping us maintain a devotional plan for the year.

I really welcome your comments and tags on how these devotional commentaries are a blessing to you. So once in a while, if you would post comment or a tag, it will be such an encouragement.


“A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the Son of David,

the Son of Abraham”

Matt 1:1.

The Greek phrase, “a record of the genealogy,” is found in the Septuagint only in Genesis 1 and 5. This indicates Matthew intended this phrase to mean “record of the origins.” Thus the first verse launches us immediately into the central issue of the New Testament. Who is Jesus? What is His role in God’s plan, and in our lives?

Matthew’s answer is given in this two-chapter introduction, which demonstrates that Jesus is the “Anointed One” predicted in the Old Testament. That term, “Messiah” in Old Testament Hebrew and “Christ” in New Testament Greek, is Jesus’ title. It means that He is the One through whom all God’s promises will be fulfilled.

As the “Son of David” Jesus fulfilled the promise God gave David that a descendant of his would sit on Israel’s throne, and rule a universal kingdom (cf. 2 Sam 7:12-16; Isa 9:6-7). Additional quotes from the prophets in these two chapters are from Old Testament passages that underline the theme of Messiah’s rule (Jer 23; Hosea 11; Micah 5).

As “Son of Abraham” Jesus fulfilled the promise given by the father of the Jewish race. He is the “Seed,” through whom the entire human race would be blessed (Gen 12:1-3; cf. Gal 3:16).

Thus Matthew’s very first words alert us. Jesus is the focus of all Scripture. He is the essence – the substance and the spirit of its message. He is both Lord and Saviour. Hence, our response to Jesus determines our destiny. Our future and the future of our own lineage is very much tied to our response to Jesus.