Monday, January 07, 2008

The Perfect Getaway

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Luke 5:16
Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.
Luke 22:39

When most people think of the perfect getaway, they picture themselves at a resort on a secluded beach, a rustic cabin in the hills, or on the shore of a quiet lake. But it can actually be as close as your balcony or in a quiet, undecorated corner of your house. The perfect getaway does not have to be exotic or elaborate but a quiet place where you can have some alone time with God.

Jesus knew the importance of having a quiet place to get away. He didn't seek out the most beautiful temple or some exclusive prayer resort. He often went onto a small mountain because he knew that the importance of meeting with God regularly, by himself, would help him recharge after dealing with the pressures of the world.

If you are walking around drained, stressed, and frazzled, you cannot effectively live the way that God wants you to live. We all need to have a place to regularly meet with God. It is a needed margin for a life of power. It is refreshing and recharges us to be able to handle life's distractions.

Spending time alone with God draws you into intimate moments with him. It draws you into a place that triggers your mind to let go of life's distractions and focus on his will for your life. So look for the quiet place where you can be alone with God and release your anxieties. It will give you the ammunition you need to battle any distractions that come your way.

A Prayer For Today

Lord, life's distractions can leave me feeling drained and stressed out, but I am so thankful you are always available to meet me in a quiet place of intimacy where I can be refreshed. Help me to make quiet getaways alone with you a part of my daily life in 2008. In Jesus' name, Amen