Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Obedience Releases Blessings

Matt 2:19-23.

“He went and lived in a town called Nazareth

Matthew 2:23

After Herod died, an angel directed Joseph to return. The family settled in Nazareth, in Galilee, and there Jesus grew up and began His ministry.

This is the third occasion on which Joseph is given guidance by an angel appearing to him in a dream. How responsive Joseph was to the Lord. In each case the text says that “when he woke up” Joseph did what the angel of the Lord commanded. In verse 14 we read that “he got up, took the Child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt.” Joseph was not only willing to obey, he did so without hesitation.

Mary is rightly honoured as the mother of Jesus. She was a special young woman, highly honoured by God. Yet what a human surrogate father Jesus had in Joseph! He was truly a special man, and his obedience was highly honouring to God. May you and I honour Him as much, and as well, by our readiness to obey.

It is obedience that releases blessings. Look back at your life. Isn't it true that every time you obeyed the promptings of the Lord, however difficult that step of obedience was, blessing
followed? It is really better to obey.