Monday, March 10, 2008

Answers Before The Questions

"But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the LORD burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague" (Numbers 11:33).

People began to complain. Their boredom demanded something different, something tastier, something more filling. No more ikan bilis with porridge. We're done with just salted crackers from the sky.

"We want steak! Real stuff!"

So they got it. A tasty self-centre cut of Quail steak. And while the meat was still in their teeth, God let their demands have its way. You see, we cannot make decisions in selfishness and not think that egotism won't demand payment!

David talks about this event in Psalms 106:15 where we find these haunting words: "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul" (KJV).

I want to be sure about what I ask for. I might get it! And if it is the wrong thing, I can get my desire but lose my soul. Luke 9:25 reminds us of this: "For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?"

I have to process deeply those desires that come into my heart. At the moment, they sound so good. But I have found that the decisions I make are predicated by the maturity I have in Christ at the time.

If I am immature, my decisions will follow suit. If my perspective is selfish and fearful, my decisions will be the same, no matter how sincere I think my heart is! If I am selfish, my decisions can be religious but full of flesh and self serving.

And here is where the odourless gas of pride is inhaled. When I think that the way I feel is the right way to feel, and in fact, the only way to feel , then I become strongly opinionated and "determined." But being sincere about something doesn't make it right.

So what's the answer?

The wisest answers will not come after the questions. It comes before them.

If I wait for the event or the crossroad before I consider the answer, it's already too late. The maturity of my walk with Jesus before I hit the crossroads that will determine the decisions I make at it.

This is why my daily devotions with Christ is so critical to everything, absolutely everything else! I must grow and prepare my life and mind so that when the questions arrive, I will have the wisdom for the answer. I might not have all the answers, but I will have the necessary inner ingredients in order to formulate the answer and make the decision necessary to bring glory to Christ.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for helping me to grow in You and to gain the wisdom necessary for godly decisions before they are required. I am finding that the best answers are gained before the questions, and the best decisions are made before they are posed. Please continued to build Your wisdom in me long before it is required! IN Jesus' Name, Amen.