Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What To Pray For The Champions...

Latest Press Update: Talks to free the 21 South Korean kidnapped
by the Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan were deadlocked yesterday,
with still no agreement on where the face to face negotiations might take place./Reuters.


2 Thessalonians 3:1

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

Paul did front-line mission work. His ministry took him places where the Church was non-existent. He dealt with hostile governments; he faced opposition from false religions; he pushed the evil forces of the demonic realm out of the way; he brought converts from the bleakness of paganism and turned them into living, breathing members of the Body of Christ.

As Paul makes his final remarks to the Thessalonians, he says, Finally, brethren, pray for us.... The Greek word translated pray is from the word proseuchomai. As it is used in this verse, this word means to pray continually or to pray without stopping. Paul is sincerely asking for committed prayer partners who will pray nonstop for his team, his ministry, and for himself. When he says, Pray for us, the word for is the Greek word peri, which means around or about. Paul is specifically requesting prayer for those things that are around or about them hence, the things that concern them and their ministry.

Next, Paul gets more specific about how to pray. He says, Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course.... These words free course come from the Greek word trecho, which means to run. This word trecho was used to describe the swift-running messengers who dashed between enemy lines to carry vital messages of instruction to those who waited on the other side of the battle. These especially brave and courageous messengers were essential if battles were to be won.

One more important fact must be pointed out. The tense Paul uses when he requests prayer that the word of the Lord may have free course indicates a constant and continuous pace. Thus, it is possible to translate this phrase, Pray that we will be able to keep up the pace that is required for us to get this message.

One of the greatest challenges of Bible translators is to translate into English the many ideas and images that are in Greek words. Perhaps no example makes this clearer than Paul's prayer request in this verse, which in English is a mere twenty-four words in length. But those twenty-four words are packed with power and meaning!

These powerful words used by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:1 convey the following ideas:

Finally, brothers, pray for us and for those things that concern us. Pray that the word of the Lord will spread quickly and without resistance. Pray that we will be able to keep up the pace that is required for us to get this message out!

To fulfill this task, we have to be like runners whose eyes are fixed on the goal before us! We must be like brave, bold, daring, and courageous messengers, whose job is to carry vital information across enemy lines. We have to move promptly and swiftly to get the message of the Gospel to the other side where people are desperately waiting.

Since the Lord has dispatched us to carry this message, and since this task requires us to run speedily through dangerous territory, we request prayer that we will be able to make it through every skirmish, clash, confrontation, and struggle that we might come across as we run to the other side to deliver the word of the Lord. I request that your prayers be unbroken, uninterrupted, and never-ending. As you pray, remember to specifically stipulate that the word of the Lord would usher in a triumphant and glorious new day in the lives of those who hear it, as it has done among you.

Prayer vigils go on for the 21 surviving hostages in South Korea. (Ahn Young-joon/AP)

The Korean mission team went where the Church was non-existent. They crossed over enemy lines and did exactly what Paul and his team would have done. As we continue to watch and pray for the 21 remaining hostages, can we commit ourselves to pray for them without stopping? I put up their picture on my phone so that every time I turn on the phone, I am reminded to breathe a prayer for these champions of the faith. And can we pray with all faith that the word of the Lord will have free course in Afghanistan because of their valiant sacrifices?

Father, I want to honour before you these young men and women who have gone out in your Name to places many of us would never dare go. I commit myself to pray for them and for your Word that it will indeed have free course in those regions where the Church is non-existent.