Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Litmus Test - Word or Deed?

"Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. We shall know by this that we are of the truth, and shall assure our heart before Him." (1 John 3:18-19)

Herein lies the "litmus test" to our Christian walk:
  • "It's not what we say, but what we do that reveals the true intent of our hearts."
Like the litmus tests we used in science class to test the acidity of a solution, the credibility and sincerity of our Christian walk is tested in the things we do, by our actions, not just in what we say.

Jesus was a great teacher, but in many ways His actions spoke louder than His words. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, so is a single act of kindness like a powerful message being preached in living color. There is much truth to the premise that the world isn't looking for any more flowery speeches, but is watching for Christians who are authentic in their actions and in their lifestyles. It has been said that "the eye, and not the ear, is the convincing organ in today's society." People are looking, not just listening, for the gospel to be preached and each day we must be willing to apply the "litmus test" to our Christian walk.

On Sunday evening, the Church Council brought together all the church staff and our families for a time of fellowship and fun. They treated us to a sumptuous dinner and then organized some intentional indoor games that brought the house down. Then they affirmed us and prayed over us. It was a time of rich blessing for every one of us on staff. It was the Council's way of loving us beyond word and tongue. It was a statement of our unity together.

Words and phrases can be compromised. We can justify any action with our words. But in the end, the question will always remain: "do our actions reflect our true love for our Lord and Savior." Talk is cheap and words can flow freely, but if it isn't consistent with our actions, we fail the Litmus Test.

It's a simple test that I must apply daily to my relationship with my wife, to my relationship with my two children, to my staff, to my finances, to the decisions I make in leadership and in ministry. Are my actions a true reflection of my heart. If the Lord was to dip His litmus strip into my heart today, what would it reveal?

Father, may my actions each day be tested against my heart. In all that I do, may it reflect my true love for You.