Saturday, September 15, 2007

Seven Earthquakes In 48 Hours!


The earth reels like a drunkard,

it sways like a hut in the wind;

(and) it falls — never to rise again.

Isa 24:20

While we were recovering from the effects of one tremour on Wednesday evening, there was yet another on Thursday morning and to date, seven earthquakes have been registered in the Sumatran region in two days!

But is it true that the intensity and frequency of earthquakes have increased over the years to indicate to us that the end is near? According to experts in the field of earthquakes, there is no such scientific evidence. The United States Geological Survey, Branch of Earthquake and Geomagnetic Information, Denver Federal Center states that “although it may seem that we are having more earthquakes, quakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater have remained fairly constant throughout this century and, according to our records, have actually seemed to decrease in recent years.” []

In the Bible the most memorable earthquake that took place in New Testament times happened at the crucifixion of Jesus (Matt27:54). An earthquake at Phillip shook the prison in which Paul and Silas were present.

What is God telling us when He sends the earth shaking?

First, all such natural disasters remind us again that life is so frail, so unpredictable. What looks secure and stable one day, can be shaken on another day. God alone remains our security and our Rock of stability.

Second, such natural disasters should arouse our compassion for suffering humanity. Overnight, people become homeless; children become orphans; wives become widows; able people become crippled and strong people become weak. It takes months, if not years to rebuild lives and reconstruct communities.

It should stir us up to pray and to give and to do the little we can to help. In the face of such tragedy, we should be shaken out of our complacency to respond; to reach out; to become fully human.

Finally, we should learn to hold loosely to all that God has blessed us with because He can give and He can take away. If the Lord chooses to bring a shaking into our lives and all is stripped away, will there still be any iron in our soul to hold us up? Would we still praise Him? Is is really true that God is more than enough in our lives?

Father God, help me respond instead of react to these series of earthquakes. And search the depths of my soul Lord and strip away all complacency. I want You to be my all in all.