Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Showing Mercy As A Parent

Today is our son's nineteenth birthday. His birthday has always caused our hearts to well up with gratitude to God because he was born three months pre-mature, weighing only 1.2 kg. His birth was totally unexpected as he was not due until April 4th. Both my wife and I were thrown off balance for we did not know if he would grow up to be like any other normal little boy.

The only thing that anchored us was the Word the Lord gave to me within the hour of his birth from Isa 41:12-14 "Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you," declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."

Those precious words anchored us. Over the weeks and months after he was born, we saw the complete fulfilment of these promises. Though the doctors searched for his enemies (the complications that often accompany extremely pre-mature babies), they were not found. Those diseases that waged war against his survival, were as nothing at all. The Lord had helped him. And our "little Isreal"; our "worm Jacob" has grown up to become a healthy young man of incredible potential. He is testimony that the Lord God is an unfailing God who stands by what He says, delighting in fulfilling His Word.

But that does not mean that Reuben grew up perfect. There were seasons in his life where his destiny in the Lord could have taken major detours and he could have ended going in circles with his life. It was in those times that I was forced to intervene with authority and to take action for breakthroughs. I remember in those times, what I did with my son appeared to others as harsh and without mercy. What encouraged me then was how well Reuben understood what I was doing and how willingly he cooperated with me, without the slightest resistance or resentment and how quickly he got his own breakthroughs, as a result.

I learnt early as a parent that when I ignore my children's sin, I am not being merciful. When I reduce discipline to managing behaviour, I’m not being merciful. When I am lazy, indulgent, and manipulative, I am obviously not showing mercy.

Being a merciful dad or mom is more than kissing a boo-boo, or soothing a sick child. It is being part of the rescue mission when my children choose to live for self rather than live for God. And the goal isn’t just to show them mercy, but to bring them to the source of all mercy: the cross of Jesus Christ. And here at the cross a sinful mom and dad and a sinful child lift their gaze to a merciful Saviour and find that He demonstrated the greatest act of mercy ever when He took our place on the cross. Part of my calling as a father, as a believer, is to show mercy. This begins with those right here in my home. Blessed are the merciful, indeed!

And Reuben (and Thea), thank-you for being such wonderful disciples of Jesus Christ, allowing us as parents to always lead you to the Cross and to find His mercy there. Happy Birthday, son!