Friday, November 16, 2007

Finding The Secret first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

Everybody wants to know the secret. And we search everywhere for the secret.

What's the secret to love?
What's the secret to a great marriage?
What's the secret to wealth?
What's the secret to a happy life?

However, the secret has been out for over two thousand years; we just walk blindly by it, missing it. The true secret is found in seeking.

The Bible clearly tells us that it's a waste of time to seek anything else if we haven't sought God first. But we get so caught up in the worries of day-to-day life that we forget that God is the one who controls all of those things.

You wouldn't walk into your boss's office and start taking over his or her work because they weren't doing it according to your standards. But that's exactly what we do to God when we put other things before him. We're telling him that we can decide the order of things better than he can.

God should be the number one priority in our lives. Nothing in your world should come before seeking him. I challenge you to spend some time in prayer today, seeking God and his righteousness. And the Bible promises that when you do, the secret will suddenly be revealed.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I realize that the secret is in seeking you first. Today, I commit to setting aside some time each day to pray and seek you and your righteousness. It is only through you that 'all these things' will be given to me. In Jesus' name. Amen.