Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Living Below Our Means

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
Proverbs 6:6-8

Most people don't believe monsters exist. Sadly, though, they are wrong.

There is a real life creature lurking around every corner of the financial world; one that has moved into the mainstream of life. And it is just waiting to drag each of us into the murky waters of financial bondage. It's the creature that is fed strong in our island nation!

God blesses us financially so that we can enjoy life. The creature attacks, though, when we try to live above our means. We can be so enticed by the latest trends, gadgets, and the status that comes with all of those things that we spend more than we make. We become vulnerable to this creature call materialism. We fall prey to ostentatious goods, buying things not because we need them but because we need to show-off our livestyle. But if we want to live as Godc intended us to, we've got to learn to manage our money by living not even within our means, but below our means.

The Bible is very clear about planning for more than just today. The first ten percent of our income is non-negotiable. It goes directly to God. Then, save some for yourself. By doing that, you will not only secure your future, you'll also discover God's plan for your financial life.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I want to enjoy the financial blessings you've given me. Help me to develop the self-control that I need when it comes to money. Place people in my life who will encourage me to bring you the first ten percent, save some for me, and live below my means. In Jesus' name, Amen.