"And Jonathan made David vow again because of his love for him, because he loved him as he loved his own life" (1 Samuel 20:17).
David had discovered quite a friend in Jonathan, who regardless of the risks upon his own life, was willing to lay it all down for him. He was the king's son and had personally witnessed the anger, jealousy and hatred his father had against David. Still, without thought or concern for his own safety, Jonathan willingly and by his own volition sacrificed himself so that David could escape and survive his father's wrath.
Everyone needs a Jonathan - someone who's willing to experience the thrill of victory, and around the next turn agonize with you through life's greatest defeats. Everyone needs a Jonathan – someone who's willing to strap himself to the roller coaster rides of life with you, without concern to his own personal safety or comfort. You see, "Jonathans" are those who will put your best interests above their own, who would set the stage of life to see you succeed, over and above that of themselves. Everyone needs a Jonathan, whose loyalty and commitment run deep in that which connects you heart to heart.
Everyone needs a Jonathan - someone who's willing to experience the thrill of victory, and around the next turn agonize with you through life's greatest defeats. Everyone needs a Jonathan – someone who's willing to strap himself to the roller coaster rides of life with you, without concern to his own personal safety or comfort. You see, "Jonathans" are those who will put your best interests above their own, who would set the stage of life to see you succeed, over and above that of themselves. Everyone needs a Jonathan, whose loyalty and commitment run deep in that which connects you heart to heart.
Who is my Jonathan? Or, maybe a more defining question for myself is "who am I being a Jonathan to in my life?" Perhaps the best description of a "Jonathan" is found in John 15:13 when Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." To be a Jonathan to others, I must be willing to lay my life down, set aside my own agendas, submit my own interests, for the sake of serving my brothers. Their success becomes more of my priority than pursuing my own. Sacrifice becomes a daily discipline, as I set my brothers' wellbeing first and foremost in my life. Everyone needs a Jonathan, and I need to be one to others around me.
Jesus, help me to see the needs of my brothers over that of my own, to willingly, without compulsion or obligation, give of myself, my time, and to sacrifice my own desires so that my brothers may live life abundantly.