Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Trophies of Trust

"Only by your power can we push back our enemies;only in your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me" (Psalm 44:5-6)

The Psalmist song is about their God's strength to conquer their enemies. The honour of recognition is not found in their natural strengths or abilities. Skill is not the means for victory. In a world where self sufficiency and reliance becomes the trophy in our minds, even God loving people must be careful of the temptation of trusting our own abilities to pave the way for our successes.

I am humbled to think that God has given a magnificent mind to create, invent, think…to mankind. The things man has invented and created cannot be comprehended. The sophisticated machinery, computers, electronic devices - oh my. Humans have such a capacity to invent.

But yet, we must remember that all our skills and creativity come from God:
  1. Remember, it's by God's favour, power and in His name we accomplish great things for Him.

  2. Make Him my trophy when I make great decisions, when things I say make a difference, when He uses me to accomplish much.

  3. Don't count on "my bow or sword" which for me represents words, principles, leadership skills, personality strengths to impact the Kingdom. God may use me but I must trust in what He may invent and create through me that is fresh, favourable and anointed by Him. In other words, don't rely on me and what's worked for me and God in the past. Trust in the Lord with ALL my heart and don't lean on my own understanding.
Please forgive me Lord, for the thoughts and actions that I have horded as my goodness, achievements or successes. May I never steal the trophies of recognition away from You. You are all deserving of my worship! Help me to overcome my enemies within me - I trust not in my strength, personality or skills, but Yours. My trophy is to trust You with all my life. May Your trophy be my love and trust in You!