Monday, December 24, 2007

Questions For 2008

"Consider your ways!" (Haggai 1:5)

Once, when the people of God had become careless in their relationship with Him, the Lord rebuked them through the prophet Haggai. "Consider your ways!" (Haggai 1:5) he declared, urging them to reflect on some of the things happening to them and to evaluate their slipshod spirituality in light of what God had told them.

Even those most faithful to God occasionally need to pause and think about the direction of their lives. It's so easy to bump along from one busy week to another without ever stopping to ponder where we're going and where we should be going.

The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up and get our bearings. For starters, here are 10 questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God:

  1. What's one thing you could do in 2008 to increase your enjoyment of God?
  2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do in 2008 where His power is manifested in your powerlessness?
  3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life in 2008?
  4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress in 2008, and what will you do about it?
  5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it in 2008?
  6. What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen the ministry God has given you?
  7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently in 2008?
  8. What's the most important way you will, by God's grace, try to make 2008 different from last year?
  9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life in 2008?
  10. What single thing that you plan to do in 2008 will matter most in 5 to 10 years time?
May I encourage you to enter in 2008 considering your ways before the Lord.

Have a God-filled year ahead!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Impootance of Small Decisions

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Romans 7:15

Paul was the ultimate Christ-follower. He dedicated his life to spreading the message of Jesus Christ and started churches throughout the known world. He even wrote most of the New Testament, yet Paul still struggled with lining up his actions with what he knew and understood to be right.

We are not alone in our struggle to match our priorities and commitments. It has been a problem for thousands of years And has cost many Christian men and women the freedom that God desires for them. But the sad thing is that many Christ-followers do not realize they are sacrificing their freedom.

We pay attention to the major decisions of life like who we should marry and what career path we should take, yet we neglect the seemingly mundane decisions. God does not want us to live that way. He wants us to pay attention to the little opportunities that shape our lives instead of living for the next "opportunity of a lifetime."

Daily decisions can add up to shape a lifetime, but wisdom is found in making the most of both the little opportunities and the big ones. All of our decisions matter to God and they impact our lives. But if we want to live in the freedom Christ came to offer, our priorities and commitments (even the little ones) must line up with God's principles.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, decision making can be stressful as I struggle to line my priorities up with your principles. Please give me the wisdom to make the right decisions—big or small—so that I can live in your freedom. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."
Philippians 2:6-7

One of the most beautiful descriptions of our Saviour to be found anywhere is that given by Isaiah in the 53rd chapter of his prophecy: “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground” (verse 2).

When I was a little boy growing up in Alor Setar, one of the first things I would do on waking up is run out of the house to the little garden we had in front of the house to see if any young shoot had pushed through the ground for the seeds that my grandma had planted into the soil days earlier. Those young shoots were indeed tender. The delicate sprout would appear to be mostly water, held together one scarcely knows how, and so brittle that it will snap asunder at the slightest touch. Only after the passing of several days does it toughen up enough to endure external pressure without damage.

While a newborn baby is not as fragile as the tender plant just emerged from the soil, the likeness is too plain to miss, and the prophet spoke well when he compared the one to the other. This past week, my wife and I made a trip to KL to visit my niece who had just given birth to a baby boy. He was a comely little baby but as a helpless, crying human thing who was vulnerable from a thousand directions and he was wholly dependent for his very life upon his parents, familyand friends. No one can pick up a day-old baby and not sense the pathetic frailty of it--a barely conscious blob of sweet, perishable life only now arrived from the ancient void of nonexistence.

So our Lord came to the manger in Bethlehem that first Christmas morning, not out of nonexistence, but from eternal pre-existence; not as a son of man only but as Son of Man and Son of God in the fullest sense of both terms; a tender plant and “a root out of a dry ground.”

What utter condescension on Christ's part! From eternal pre-existence as God, He empties Himself and enters human existence as a poor, helpless new-born baby. He does it all for you and me only because so great is His love for us!

For me, Lord, You emptied yourself of the exercise of Your divine prerogatives. You showed me the meaning of complete humility.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Concentrating Solely on Christ at Christmas

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.'
—Luke 2:13-14

Oh how we need to go back to the basics when it comes to celebrating Christmas. What began in those early days as a time of remembering Christ has been carried now to inordinate excess. Christmas to day is grand opportunity for the malls to cash in on sales and for the crowd to ride in to the year-end mood of late-night parties.

How far have we come in the corruption of our tastes from the reverence of the simple shepherds, the songs of the angels and the beauty of the heavenly host! The Star of Bethlehem could not lead a wise man to adore Christ today; it could not be distinguished amid the millions of artificial lights hung aloft on Orchard Road. No angels could sing loudly enough to make themselves heard above the raucous, earsplitting rendition of upbeat versions of "Silent Night" meant to draw customers to the shopping malls.

In our mad materialism we have turned beauty into ashes, prostituted every normal emotion and made merchandise of the holiest Gift the world ever knew. Christ came to bring peace and we celebrate His coming by becoming restlessly noisy and busy through the Christmas season. Not peace but tension, fatigue and irritation rule the Christmas season. He came to free us of debt and many respond by going deep into debt each year to buy enervating luxuries for people who do not appreciate them. He came to help the poor and we heap gifts upon those who do not need them. The simple token given out of love has been displaced by expensive presents given because we have been caught in a squeeze and don’t know how to back out of it. Not the beauty of the Lord our God is found in such a situation, but the ugliness of human nature!

Let's return to the very heart of Christmas, which is Christ! It's time to oppose the rush and enjoy His rest as we quietly and sincerely adore Him who is Christ the King. Let's return to serving others this Christmas - others who need His rest and peace, instead of just serving ourselves with parties and props. Let's return to helping the poor - with living cost going up in Singapore, let's identify those in need and bless them with material gifts this Christmas and remind ourselves that Christ came for such.

Making Christ the centre of Christmas will relieve us of the tension of shopping and deliver us from the cesspool of commercialism into which we can become submerged. Let's take time to join the angel hosts in praising God and truly singing "Glory to God in the highest." Only then have we really celebrated Christmas!

Father, thank You for the Christ of Christmas.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Resolve Conflicts To Receive Blessings!

"Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church! I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?" (1 Corinthians 6:4-5)


Recently, I heard news from a fellow pastor about an irreconcilable dispute among leaders in a local church. He was called in to arbitrate between the two opposing groups but it was to no avail. The rift became greater and the wounds ran deeper.

Yesterday, as I began the introductory message to the book of Acts, I outlined five major themes that run through the book of Acts. One of them is the way the early church managed conflicts. Conflicts were common in the early church yet they managed to deal with conflicts without affecting the unity of the body.

God expects us to resolve the disputes among ourselves with great care and biblical expediency. If we cannot do this among ourselves, what hope has the world? If we amputate our relationships that go sideways or marginalize those who disagree with us, why should non-believers join our ranks? If we have schisms and splits, slanders and unresolved disputes, why then do we preach that others should become Christians?

If our marriages are fraught with anger and if we tolerate relational distances between believers as if it were normal, then how can God use us? Are we not fleshly and carnal? See what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3 ...

"I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?"

Here we find that our ability to receive will be determined by our maturity in Christ. And our maturity in Christ will be determined by how fleshly we still are ... do we retain jealousy? Is there strife unresolved? These determinates will mark our ability or inability to receive: whether these are spiritual gifts, blessings, or resources. We will be unable to do so until we mature in our ability to make sound and biblical judgments.

I must give myself no margin of error that allows me to hold grudges or unresolved differences. Of course this does not mean that I be foolish and gullible to those who aim to demean or destroy, neither does it mean that I be unwise and make myself vulnerable to unnecessary attacks. I will be wise as serpents but harmless as doves (Matt. 10:16) for God has indeed sent us out as sheep in the midst of wolves. However, I will not make myself a wolf in order to protect or defend myself. I will choose the high road.

Why? Because I have so much more I need to receive! As Paul said in 1 Corinthians, if we tolerate these character deficiencies, we will be unable to receive. I cannot afford that. I must remain biblical regardless of the circumstances. Even now, I will scour my heart to remove any residual remains of any unresolved contention. I cannot make room for these things that will reduce my capacity to receive from God.

Lord Jesus, may I model my life after yours. You were attacked, but it didn't twist You into someone who would later resemble Your attackers. You kept a heart of redemption. Please make me more like you today!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When The Young Are Drowned!

"Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said:" (Job 38:1)

Five abled, strong lives was snuffed out by the waters in the Cambodian Dragon Boat Tragedy. What a loss. Why such a loss? It's as though God remains silent for a period of time during seasons of difficulty, the tough times when we need God to speak, comfort and rescue us from the frustrations that come not knowing why such a loss.

But the Lord is faithful to answer although His timing may just not seem to be the same as ours. God stayed silent in the case of Job - amidst his many losses - wealth, health, children. But...the Lord eventually spoke to Job out of the storm.

There may be some overcast over our lives when the things that happen around us confuse us. It is at such times that we must cling to His Word, so that we can avoid the threat of taking our mind off of our hope in the Lord.

This morning, at Dawn Prayer, I led the people to pray against pre-mature death among our nations gifted and talented youths. As the people prayed, I heard God's Spirit speaking to my heart. Here is the Lord again, answering me in the storm. These are refreshing, renewing words - He is always so faithful! The Lord said:

  • Listen carefully to My voice and don't allow the "bolts of lightning and thunder" of the situation distract you.
  • This storm, any storm is meant to side swipe your thoughts, heart and hope in Me. Fight the good fight of faith and keep your mind renewed according to My Word.

Okay Lord ... I'm coming out of my journaling time, asking for Your strength to listen carefully and not be distracted. Help me to obey You in thought, word and deed. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You. Thanks for being a faithful Rescuer! Lord, watch over our nation's young; keep safe the youth in your Kingdom and protect and preserve our children that they may live to see their children's children for Your glory.

Monday, November 26, 2007

From Inheritance To Experience

"So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law." (Gal 3:24).

"What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father." (Gal. 4:1).

Until the child had matured, he would not be able to receive the inheritance left by His wealthy father. He was too young when his father left, so he was put under the tutelage of another. Laws of conduct and rules of living were taught in order to train the youngster up in the way that he should go. And when he accrued the inheritance, he would steward the vast fortune well and not squander it.

So the tutor trained him, disciplined him, and worked hard with him to develop and cultivate the character, wisdom, attitudes, perspective, and skills necessary. And the tutor knew that his sole responsibility to the master was to prepare his child. He had no other purpose in life. And he must not fail in this, so he was serious about his charge.

The tutor? The Law.

Unswerving and at times rigid, it was designed to lead us to our inheritance. But now that we through Christ have inherited it, we need a daily counselor. And our Counselor? The one who is called alongside us to help? The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete; he guides us daily. The Law brought us to our inheritance in Christ, but the Holy Spirit leads us forward into maturity and how to steward our inheritance.

One of the things I need now is not "more inheritance" but more courage to step forward in the use of my inheritance. I must be led by the Spirit of God, and walk into it more! I must see how it can be used for the furtherance of the Gospel without politicizing or self promotional methods.
That is why we are beginning a new series this Sunday from the book of Acts - we need so much to promote the wonder working power of the Holy Spirit!

I will continue to ask God to give me deeper wisdom on how to influence the Body of Christ. I know that we must cultivate self-feeding saints if we are to be ambassadors for Christ in these last days. I will continue to think through ways to build leaders who depend on the Word of God. This is the best way for people to apprehend their inheritance in Christ ... by knowing it! It is revealed in the Word of God.

Dear Father:
I have so much further to go! Please ignite me anew and refresh me. Take me further than I have ever gone before. You died to give me my inheritance in Christ, so now may I be faithful in what you died for! I will proclaim Your Word and teach the saints. I will build leaders and reach the lost until you come to receive us back home! Amen!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Carryin The Right Spirit

"The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. He sighed deeply and said, "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it." Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side."
Mark 8:11

Jesus must have gotten exasperated with these guys. He seems so compassionate with some and with others, He is astute. It was something about their attitudes. It's what they brought with them. They possessed a false confidence that caused them to be stricken with pride. Jesus walked away from these people. He got in a boat and crossed to the other side.

My attitude is very important to God. The spirit I possess when I come to Him is essential. If it is a testy attitude, the door will be closed. If it is a cocky or "know-it-all" kind of attitude, I will find Him distanced from me. Nothing but a humble and contrite heart will be acceptable.

Psalms 51:17 reminds us: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."

There are sometimes I go into some meetings with an attitude. It could have been exacerbated by some people problems, but I must continue to cultivate a heart of humility and compassion. I must ask instead of tell, disciple instead of dictate, and encourage good decisions rather than waiting to reprimand bad ones. It is only with a humble heart that God will show up for my meetings to make something good take place.

Lord, thank you for reminding me how important my spirit is. Help me to cultivate a humble spirit no matter who I am dealing with. But at the same time, help me not to be gullible to succumb to those I should have left long ago. Teach me who I should disciple and show me the ones I need to get in a boat and just go to the other side!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Blessing To Build

Painting on raising Jairus' daughter by Gustave Dore.


While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. "Your daughter is dead," they said. "Why bother the teacher any more?" Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe."
(Mark 5:35).

Jesus has always been known as the One who hears us all. He is the One knows us individually and cares. But sometimes He ignores certain ones.

"Is it I Lord?"

Jairus was a synagogue leader with a sickly daughter. Having requested of Jesus to pray, they began making their way toward the house. But in route, some men intercepted Him with news that the daughter was dead.

"Why bother the teacher anymore? It's over. Accept it."

The Bible then tells us that Jesus ignored them!

Instead of giving up the chase, Jesus reassures Jairus that he needs to keep Plan A and move forward. It wouldn't be long before people would see a little girl arise and astonishment would fill the house.

I've done that. I've ignored a rude comment, an off-the-cuff remark that was not worth arguing over. Or a poorly timed or off colour joke that was better left unnoticed than dealt with.

I wonder if Jesus has ever has to ignore me because of something I said? Maybe when I was a wet blanket to someone's zeal? Or I wonder if I have ever diminished someone's faith by settling for second best? We all can be too much like the men from the synagogue by minimizing something that means nothing to us but a great deal to another.

I am realizing that I need to bolster the faith of others. I must be careful of my words and be sure that I am encouraging others' desire to follow God's best. Agape need not just another church. Instead, it must be a place where people can find solutions to their problems. I know that there are times where we will not be able to change circumstances, but still we can help people to rise above them.

I don't ever want Jesus to have to ignore me in order to give faith a chance.

I want God to marvel at my faith and my willingness to see things change. How easy it is to slide into mediocrity until it becomes "normal" and even "religious." I will choose to take the higher road and challenge people toward their best.

Instead, my prayer is that I be, according to Jeremiah 15:19, a spokesman for God!
"If you return, then I will restore you - before Me you will stand; and if you extract the precious from the worthless, you will become My spokesman."

Completing the three sermons on Anger Management has been a rewarding experience. To keep the messages biblical, personal and practical has been fulfilling. But the best part was calling the church to rise above our anger-driven, revenge-filled culture and be counter-cultural - blessing those who mistreat us.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for teaching me Your ways by allowing me to shadow You through the Word. Thank you also for the privilege of being Your spokesman. Help me to see you as You are, and then pattern my life after Yours. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Finding The Secret first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

Everybody wants to know the secret. And we search everywhere for the secret.

What's the secret to love?
What's the secret to a great marriage?
What's the secret to wealth?
What's the secret to a happy life?

However, the secret has been out for over two thousand years; we just walk blindly by it, missing it. The true secret is found in seeking.

The Bible clearly tells us that it's a waste of time to seek anything else if we haven't sought God first. But we get so caught up in the worries of day-to-day life that we forget that God is the one who controls all of those things.

You wouldn't walk into your boss's office and start taking over his or her work because they weren't doing it according to your standards. But that's exactly what we do to God when we put other things before him. We're telling him that we can decide the order of things better than he can.

God should be the number one priority in our lives. Nothing in your world should come before seeking him. I challenge you to spend some time in prayer today, seeking God and his righteousness. And the Bible promises that when you do, the secret will suddenly be revealed.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I realize that the secret is in seeking you first. Today, I commit to setting aside some time each day to pray and seek you and your righteousness. It is only through you that 'all these things' will be given to me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

God's Blessing Zone

"But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving."
2 Corinthians 8:7

Everyone is susceptible to greed whether we make twenty-five thousand or twenty-five million dollars a year. We convince ourselves that we deserve a nicer car, bigger house, fancier clothes, and more money. But no matter what amount of money you have, God has blessed you with it so that you can bless others.

There's nothing wrong with excelling in our careers, earning more money or enjoying nice things. But God also wants us to excel in giving. When we are more concerned with keeping up with the others around us than living the life God has in store for us, those things become problems in our lives.

Are you caught in the grip of greed and materialism? If so, it will drag you out of the sweet spot of God's success, out of the zone of His blessings. God wants you to enjoy life in the zone of blessing. Start today by realizing that living in the zone is not just about obtaining things. It's also about excelling in the grace of giving.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I know that I am at risk of being dragged out of the sweet spot of your success if I allow my things to be the focus of my life. Help me to develop an attitude of giving and generosity so that I may enjoy life in the zone of Your blessing, always. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Living Below Our Means

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
Proverbs 6:6-8

Most people don't believe monsters exist. Sadly, though, they are wrong.

There is a real life creature lurking around every corner of the financial world; one that has moved into the mainstream of life. And it is just waiting to drag each of us into the murky waters of financial bondage. It's the creature that is fed strong in our island nation!

God blesses us financially so that we can enjoy life. The creature attacks, though, when we try to live above our means. We can be so enticed by the latest trends, gadgets, and the status that comes with all of those things that we spend more than we make. We become vulnerable to this creature call materialism. We fall prey to ostentatious goods, buying things not because we need them but because we need to show-off our livestyle. But if we want to live as Godc intended us to, we've got to learn to manage our money by living not even within our means, but below our means.

The Bible is very clear about planning for more than just today. The first ten percent of our income is non-negotiable. It goes directly to God. Then, save some for yourself. By doing that, you will not only secure your future, you'll also discover God's plan for your financial life.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I want to enjoy the financial blessings you've given me. Help me to develop the self-control that I need when it comes to money. Place people in my life who will encourage me to bring you the first ten percent, save some for me, and live below my means. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Restore Your Rest

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

In today's world, we wear busyness like a badge of honour. We answer our cell phones at restaurants (and sometimes church), check e-mails while watching movies, and plug in the latest Disney movie for our kids on their drive to school. But our busyness is more devastating to our personal time than we realize.

When we allow busyness to clutter our lives, we ultimately miss the great possibilities for our time.

The greatest way to get the most out of your time is to first spend time with the Author of time. When was the last time you were still before God? No cell phone, no e-mail, no television, no radio. Just you and God in His Word?

If you are serious about getting your priorities in line with your commitments, learn to be still before God. And be strategic. Set a place and time where you can talk with God and focus on his will for your life. Set aside a time each day where you can focus solely on God's business, and not your own busyness.

November will soon give way to December and 2007 will bow out and 2008 will kick in. Have you sought the Lord and uncovered His will for your life in 2008? Have you reflected enough on what your life has been in 2007? If you have been too busy to take time for reflection, you have exchange depth for superficiality. Take time to be still before God. Restore that inner sense of meaning and purpose to living.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, there have been times in my life when I have allowed busyness to clutter my life I realize that in those times, I have forgotten to make time each day to be still before you. Empower me de-clutter my life and dedicate more time to knowing you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Closing The Gap

My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight.
Proverbs 3:21

When most people think of the "gap," they think of things like their relationship with their teens - a generational gap. But there is a gap in our society that is much more common than the generational gap. It's the gap that exists between our priorities and our commitments.

People tend to get stressed out about their priorities. But we should never be confused about our priorities. After all, they are laid out for us in the Bible. Most Christians would agree that it's important to spend time with God, but at the end of the day, we wonder where all the time went. We say that our family is next in line, yet at the end of the week we find our spouse and children still waiting for our attention. Our schedules are jam-packed with obligations that do not reflect our priorities.

It's time to close the gap between our priorities and our commitments.

As you plan your days and weeks, ask yourself, "Does this activity sync up with God's priorities for my life?" If it does, then do it. If not, then don't. It's that simple. And begin to close the gap by saying yes only to the best.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, it's easy for me to fill my schedule with activities and obligations that do not line up with your priorities. I have put things ahead of you and my family. Today, I want to rearrange my schedule. Help me to close the gap by only saying yes to the best. In Jesus' name, Amen

Monday, November 05, 2007

Am I Correcting What Should Be Correcting Me?

"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him..." When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him." (Acts 7:5154)

What if they would have repented? Really ... I mean, what if, instead of getting angry at Stephen, they would have asked for forgiveness? What if they had not gotten angry at the facts and would not have treated truth as condemnation?

I wonder if I do that. Oh, it might be in much more subtle ways, but nevertheless, we can have the same intent. It's seen mostly in the way I respond to the truth when it runs counter to my thoughts and actions. You could say that it is most easily seen in my "Correctability Factor."

(I guess that might be a word not in the dictionary because the spell check on my computer keeps popping up, incessantly trying to correct the word: "correctability.")

I wonder if I have such deep-seated, fully settled misguided conclusions on the inside that the spell check of my heart keeps trying to correct what should be correcting me? My defense mechanism kicks in, my self-protecting rationalizations begin its spin, and my pride rears its ugly head. And instead of being corrected, I spell check everything according to my internal dictionary.

When the truth is presented, I must recognize it rather than spell check it. If it calls for repentance, my desire must be that repentance comes easy. And when the truth is heard, my ears must rejoice in it rather than cringe from it.

I have to keep sitting at the feet of Christ with His Word on a daily basis so I am not only familiar to the sounds of truth, but my inner man rejoices each time I suspect its presence.

I also know that in these last days, there will be more false prophets than true. I must learn, as Jeremiah once cautioned me, to separate the precious from the worthless. (Jer.15:19) and in doing so, I will be able to discern truth from deception.

I will need to reshape my inner dictionary to delete incorrect meanings that have attached themselves to such words like "truth." Then I must replace it with a godly definition that helps me to see these words as friends and not as enemies... as tutors and not critics.

Dear Father, I ask that You would open my ears to the truth and cause my heart to rejoice when truth wins. Then, I can truly learn to love You and rejoice in whatever corrects me closer to You ... remembering that "Love is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out" (1 Cor. 13:6).

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Real F-Word

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
Matthew 18:21-22

We've relegated the letter F to the trash heap of society. This past week a hateful email containing that f-word to a nominated member of parliament on her parliamentary speech against repealing 377A brought about quite a stir. When we hear "the f-word" we think of a very offensive word that society has manufactured. But God has another f-word—the real sanctified f-word—that we all need to think about; forgiveness.

There are going to be times in life when people will hurt us so badly that we don't even want to think about forgiving them. But when we choose not to forgive, we are choosing to be attached to a bunch of anger, resentment, and hurt that will only weigh us down.

A lot of people read a verse like the one above and think, "I'm not going to let anybody get away with hurting me 77 times!" But Jesus was not being literal in his math. He was simply telling Peter how ridiculous to count how many times he forgave people. Forgiveness is designed to be immeasurable.

Christ wants us to experience the most out of life. And the person who is experiencing the most out of life doesn't allow themselves to be weighed down by the junk of unforgiveness. Don't hold yourself back from experiencing life just because someone hurt you. Instead, ask God to help you experience the power of forgiveness.

When forgiveness increases in your soul, anger slowly but surely evaporates.

A Prayer for Today

Lord, true forgiveness can only begin with you. Free my heart from the weight of unforgiveness. I want to experience the life-changing power of forgiveness through your son, Jesus, so that I can share that forgiveness with others. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Hardest Thing To Do

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13

Forgiving someone who has hurt us is one of the hardest things we can do. We'd rather stay leashed up to the resentment like a dog to a fence. Because in our minds, our unforgiveness is paying them back for the pain they caused. But when you refuse to release the leash and drag that anger through life, you only end up hurting yourself.

It is natural for us to hold on to our wrath because of our sinful nature. The last thing we want to do is forgive.

But that's just what the Bible tells us to do. We're to forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us, not as we feel like forgiving. When Christ died on the cross for our sins, he was giving us the ultimate forgiveness. He was saying, "My love for you outweighs any wrong thing you have ever done or ever will do to me."

If we're honest with ourselves, we'll realize that we don't have what it takes to truly forgive someone of the wrong they have done to us. That type of power only comes from God. We must learn to open our hearts and allow God to replace our anger with his love. Let God's love transform your heart. Because it is the only way that we can truly forgive someone who has hurt us.

Would you pray today that God's love will flood your soul so that your anger has no power to emerge? Can also invite you to pray and prepare for the upcoming series this Sunday - Anger Management? Would you also pass the news around and invite someone to church this Sunday?

A Prayer for Today

Lord, I realize that I don't have what it takes to truthfully forgive someone for hurting me. Help me to open my heart and allow your love to replace my hurt , anger and resentment. Thank you for the ultimate forgiveness through your sacrifice on the cross. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When A Door Closes On You...

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
2 Samuel 22:31

The sound of a slamming door is harsh. No one likes to hear that sound, because we often associate it with rejection. And when a door of opportunity slams in our face, the rejection can be more personal and deeply felt, especially when we felt the opportunity was a perfect fit for us.

We tend to look at lost opportunities through our own perspective. We think, "That was the one chance I had, and now it's gone. Nothing that good will ever come along again. That was it!"

But when a door of opportunity is slammed, remember that God has a reason behind it. And although the reason may not be clear to us, we have to recognize that God's plans are greater than our own. He is Sovereign and He never makes a mistake with our lives.

He has reasons for closing doors in our lives. The Bible says, "His way is perfect." He has reasons for not allowing you to take that job or not allowing that relationship to work out or not allowing that wish to be granted. Trust God and know that his ways are perfect and his reasoning is flawless. Look beyond the closed door. See it through God's perspective. And realize that the slammed door is a grand slam with a purpose.

Choose therefore to rejoice in the Lord - when God closes one door, He often opens another!

Monday, October 29, 2007

When God Hides Us - A Study In Ps 32

I thought I will do something more expository this morning.

Please read Ps 32 before you read what's ahead

1–5 are clearly one unit which deals with confession and forgiveness. The main point is in verses 1 and 2, is that to be forgiven is a very happy condition. Verses 3–5 tell us how to attain that happy state: first, negatively, don’t try to conceal your sin from God (verses 3 and 4), then, positively, acknowledge your sin and confess it to God (verse 5). So the point of verses 1–5 is: the person who does not conceal his sins but confesses them to God will find the tremendous happiness of a clean conscience and peace with God.
Then the first half of verse 6 draws an inference from verses 1–5: since this is the case, therefore, “Let everyone who is godly pray to you in a time when you may be found.” If such great blessedness follows the prayer of confession, then, for goodness sake, let’s all pray!
Then in the second half of verse 6 and all of verse 7 there seems to be a shift of concern away from confession and forgiveness to the protection of God in the troubles of life.
Surely in a flood of great waters they shall not reach him (i.e., the godly). You are my hiding place; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with songs of deliverance.

What David is saying is that the blessedness of the forgiven man in verses
1 and 2 consists not only in his peace of conscience but also in the protection that God now gives him in the midst of troubles. Or, to put it another way, the man who prays and confesses his sin to God is blessed not only because of what God does not do—namely, treat him according to his sins—but he is also blessed by what God does do—namely, preserve him from trouble and surround him with songs of deliverance. God is not only not against him, he is mightily for him.
In verse 8, God takes the pen in his own hand, as it were, and promises not only protection but instruction and counsel for how we should live from day to day: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” The blessing of protection in verse 7 is great indeed, but it would be incomplete if it were not accompanied by the blessing of direction. What good would it be if he guarded us from destruction but did not tell us which way to go? Protection with direction, care with counsel, that is the happy condition of the person who prays to God and receives forgiveness for his sins.
So the main point so far in verses 1–8 is that all the godly should pray to God in a time when he may be found. And as incentives David gives the promises of forgiveness (vv. 1–5), protection (vv. 6–7), and direction (v. 8).

Friday, October 26, 2007

happy birthday to my wife!

A heartfelt Happy Birthday - today - to my wife, Christina, on her 48th birthday. I know that folks don’t like their ages to be published but in her case, it’s okay since she doesn't look her age…at 48, she is still so elegant and beautiful.

When I first met her, I was attracted to her comeliness and her feminine poise. 28 years later, she is still so comely...and still so attractive.

This year, the Lord granted her the desire of her heart, moving her to a new job scope. It has been a new learning curve for her and what makes me so proud of her is that she still has that hunger to learn and to grow and to change.

Some things about her never changes - the quality of food at the dining table; the house that is always so well managed and organized; and keeping to a consistency in so many things, making the family secure and stable.

Thank you honey, for the years of friendship and partnership. Blessed Birthday!

Tiered cupcakes - a dozen in all that Thea got for her mom.

Bouquet of yellow roses with white baby's breath and green ferns I got Christina -
these were the three colour themes at our wedding; yellow representing radiance;
green - freshness and white - purity. And Christina carried a similar bridal bouquet at the wedding.

The Family!
May the LORD keep us always in Him, together.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Don't Sit Around. Go!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20

Many Christians tend to shrivel up with fear at the mention of sharing Jesus with others. We hide behind excuses like, "I don't know enough about the Bible to answer every question."

Satan wants us to believe that we are not qualified. But when Jesus commanded us to "go and make disciples," he was telling us to simply be witnesses. And to be a witness, all we need to do is tell others what we have seen and heard in our own lives.

Christ wants to use each one of us to take part in offering the world the best news they will ever hear. And when we talk to others about Jesus' impact in our own lives, we open the door for them to experience the grace and mercy of God that will transform their lives.

Don't convince yourself that you aren't qualified to talk about Christ. If he's changed your life, then he's qualified you. Simply look for opportunities to share the good news of Christ. And give those people around you the chance to experience the change themselves.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Fighting Envy

"Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked" (Nehemiah 4:18).


This is one of my favourite verses in Nehemiah!

So here they are ... working with a trowel of cement in one hand and a sword in the other. Sanbalat and Tobiah stationed themselves against them. Why? Their anger was ignited because they saw progress! Now that's about as malicious as you can get! But jealousy and envy are twins in the subtle war that destroys people and relationships. Envy is so powerful that even though you see something as good, you will be unable to benefit from it. Envy forbids you. It will debilitate your growth and stunt your future. It will withhold from you anything good ... especially if it gives credit to another. Envy demands credit and jealousy will not share it with anyone else. And if it cannot get the credit, no one else will either.

Ezekiel 8:5 defines jealousy, not as an emotion, but as an idol. It is a spirit that attacks us all.

"Then He said to me, "Son of man, raise your eyes now toward the north." So I raised my eyes toward the north, and behold, to the north of the altar gate was this idol of jealousy at the entrance."

And I wonder if sometimes that enemy is within ... it could have infiltrated my own soul and I must be aware of the vices of my own heart. Jealousy can destroy me from within. Read what Nehemiah records about their enemy's strategy: "Also our enemies said, 'Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put an end to the work.'" The enemy's subtle and hides well. It could be lurking within us!

We must learn to build with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. Peter reminds us to be on the alert for the devil is like a prowling lion seeking those he may devour. Solomon weighs in and reminds us that the "woman of folly" sits by the way ... "Calling to those who pass by, who are making their paths straight." No, she doesn't go after the crooked ones. It's the ones trying to straighten their paths out that becomes allures her.

It would sure be nice if, as soon as we decide to serve God and rebuild a marriage, our relationships, our consciences or our faith, that life just immediately smoothed out. All the problems get dissolved!

Fat chance.

Instead, the enemy goes on the warpath. Jealous people get mad and envious eyes begin to squint in your direction. It just a part of rebuilding.

So rebuild with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. It can be done. The temple was magnificent for the Jews, and it can be the same for us.


O Lord, expose envy in my soul and expel it. Amen.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Hand of God

"...Because the hand of the LORD my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leading men from Israel to go up with me" (Ezra 7:28).

I noticed that the hand of God was upon Ezra, and because of that, he took courage, he received his requests, and he succeeded. Everything fell in place because of the hand of the Lord being on his life. Now, this didn't excuse him from hard work. He still had to log his requests with the King. He still had to organize. He still had to make the long, arduous journey to Jerusalem. He still had to fast, be on guard, and be wise. But you can still do all of the above, yet if the hand of the Lord was not on us, we would not succeed.

The same is true today. Over the years, I have been a student of the hand of God, and I have seen His blessing poured out on some, and I have similarly seen his Hand removed from others.

I have seen brilliantly funded projects that are well planned, yet the results were far less than desirable. On the other hand, I have seen projects with very low budgets, and God blessed it beyond compare.

Now, I haven't yet understood it all. And then again, maybe I am not supposed to. But I know that without God's presence and without His hand, we can do nothing. Come to think of it, if we figured it out, we'd probably make a science out of it. We'd conjure up a formula and sooner or later, we'd market it. It would be touted as the latest and greatest.

I think God wants us to just stay near to Him without making Him into a formula. In that way, we'd stay in relationship with Him rather than seeing God as a method to get our desires met.

This Christmas, we are going to stage our musical at Victoria Concert Hall. This is a project that not just involve finances but planning and preparation. Will God bless it? Yes, he will not because it is a big project but because we choose to be heavily and humbly dependent on him.

Lord, thank you for Your mighty hand on my life. I so desire to have a vibrant relationship with You and to see Your purposes fulfilled in my life. I ask that you would see me as your did Ezra and may I proclaim that the Hand of the Lord was always on my life.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Myanmar - A Collation Of Pictures For Prayer

Ps 12:5

"Because of the oppression of the weak
and the groaning of the needy,
I will now arise," says the Lord.
"I will protect them from those who malign them."

Monday, October 08, 2007

Stewards, Not Owners!

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Luke 18:22).

This may seem at first glance, an abandonment of all possessions. It seems to say that if you are to "really" follow God, your have to somehow take a vow of poverty, rejecting all earthly goods.

A high price to pay for anyone! However, as we read further, we find that this is not an abandonment but a transition ... a transition from being an "owner" to being a "steward." We need to view it as becoming a steward, not a slave.

It's like a person who enlists into national service. He. He must leave his old clothes at home. His possessions and toys will need to be left behind because he can't bring them with him into the army. But now, he will receive his rations and even his clothing; they will be supplied by the army.

The same is true with the Lord. We will be provided for, but everything we need are provided by the King whom we serve. And His provisions are actually better than we can fare on our own. Either I will provide for myself, or I will choose to live God's way and allow Him to provide for me.

Over the years, I had to learn how to live life as a steward and let God provide for me in His way. And it has always been far better than mine! Example after example fills my mind on how God has provided... and He provided exactly what I needed; when I needed it, without fail.

Look what we find a few verses later in verse 29: "I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life."

Here we find that God promises to replace what we have given to Him many times over ... in this life! He has no desire for His people to live in abject poverty for the sake of the Kingdom. It is rather, a promise that He will provide in far greater ways. Oh yes, there may be times of lack, but if I am a steward, the "amount" He entrusts to me is His choice, not mine. My choice will be the condition or the stewardship of what He has entrusted. Not "how much," but rather "how am I using and investing" what I have been given - and I need to use all my resources, knowing God is owner, I am just a steward; a manager.

Lord, How thankful I am for your goodness and grace. You are so kind and abundant. I choose to live your way and follow you. Lord, everything You place in my hands is Yours. You are the owner. I am a steward.